Darkness Revealed is an Apologetics News/Media Website to coincide with a Book Series devoted to exposing the global agenda and the deception of the end times
Here, you will find expert commentary from Physicists, Scientists and Theologians breaking down the coming events of the last days and how the New Age movement, along with the unholy trinity the pope is leading, is nothing but a Demonic, Psychological attack on mankind. You will also hear from former Psychics, Light (Luciferian) Workers, Yoga, Meditation and Reiki teachers, famous gurus, and so called energy healers who have broken free from this deception and share their horrific experiences during and after leaving the Occult.
You will note, 90 percent of these accounts are not from Fear Mongering Christians who've never played around with the Occult, but from FORMER New Age Teachers and those from other Religions. Having Christians with no first hand experience in the Occult leads to biases and I want the message free from that as much as possible. What a person chooses to believe is not my concern, but they have a right to be shown the truth in WHAT they are believing.
People like Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispensa, Eckhart Tolle, Alan Watts, Richard Rohr, Napoleon Hill, Barbara Marx Hubbard, David Icke, Maryann Williamson, David Wilcock, Caroline Leaf and Michael Mirdad are all New Age teachers, as well as many more. Research Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and Allister Crowley, all ADMITTED Luciferians and Satanists, who had this same mission in mind and the biggest influence on the movement. Even Hitler had the goal of creating a so called Super Race and we see this with Transhumanism on the rise. They need your BODY, people, but they need your MIND first! What does New Age promote? Getting rid of the MIND and ego through Meditation and Yoga. Kundalini Awakening is the LUCIFERIC Initiation! Don't be deceived!
Yes, the energy feels AMAZING and you think it's God, it's anything but! Thousands have testified after coming out of the deception that it was like a drug they couldn't break free from, they thought it was the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is holy, and produces holy fruit. The Kundalini is SEXUAL and FEMININE energy.
They're being brainwashed to believe it's signs of awakening so they look at it as progress... only for the powers of darkness. Slowly but surely, it lures them to spend all their free time with IT, abandon family and friends of true faith and be disgusted with Christianity.
IT is designed to steal, kill and destroy. Would the HOLY Spirit do that? No! The Holy Spirit would not insist you stay locked up, isolated and meditating to Hindu Gods and channeling demons to brainwash you! The Holy Spirit would not be leading you into heavy Occult activity that God himself labeled an ABOMINATION! The Holy Spirit would not be whispering in your ear about how ignorant your family is because they don't understand. The Holy Spirit does not puff you up with how awesome you are because you're gaining knowledge. That's the SERPENT spirit and it's cleverly working with people who are full of pride and shame... yes, the two go hand in hand.
LOVE is used to cover up HEALTHY fears, like the kind that tell you if you don't look both ways before crossing the street, you are probably going to get smacked by a BUS! By ridding the truth found in the sometimes fraudulent nature of the ego, they create a space for pride to abide. Let me explain...
Shame from hurting someone is a NATURAL response that forces us to look within and admit we are not perfect and to make amends for the wrongs we have done. What the New Age wants are hearts and minds that are seared so that we automatically disregard any conviction as negativity or fear and we certainly can't have that. This is the major deception of Narcissism and it's rampant in New Age. If you dispel all thoughts and emotions that cause you guilt, you block the gentle nudge of God telling you that you're being deceived by the garbage being promoted.
When your NATURAL intuition says this is wrong, New Age love automatically dismisses it as fear and negativity. We are supposed to have a reverential fear of God! New Age avoids any type of fear or negative feelings, because through that defense mechanism, repression of bad behaviors are buried and not dealt with, but are still killing us inside.
What do these people run to when they are scared, sick or confused? They RUN to more Occult practices which only pollute their minds further. There's no REAL healing in the New Age, it's only temporary to keep people running back to be brainwashed. Of course the devil really doesn't care if you get off drugs or get your headaches healed; he will gladly take credit for it so you stay blind. Any healing through occult practices would only be for that reason. They're convinced that society wants to control them and they've simply traded one form of mind control for another.
That's why there's so much emphasis on this fake, abstract love bombing. It has nothing to do with genuine empathy, and everything to do with allowing man to escape responsibility and serve an agenda.
"Do As Thou Wilt, AS Above, So Below, All is God and God is ALL, We Are All One, and I AM," are predominantly expoused in New Age Mantras, but do you know where these phrases come from? Pantheism, Witchcraft and the Occult! Making garbage sound good doesn't take away the stench! They use idolatry of MAN to replace God, while using God's name at the same time!
They preach a Pantheistic impersoal SOURCE that worships the creation as the creator, reduce Jesus Christ to only a teacher who reached a state of Consciousness that can be obtained through the mysteries and Enlightenment, but that his shed blood is not the way to salvation. There's no sin, devil, heaven or hell in their deception. They submit to Pluralism, Universalism and Relativism which denies any absolute responsibility for the truth and demands tolerance and acceptance of anything!
The New Age Movement is not new at all... In fact, the One World Religion and NWO have been set in motion since the beginning of time and is now invading every aspect of life on earth. They aim to take over education, government, the financial system, food supply, healthcare, economic development, and even transportation. Yes folks, I'm talking about Revelation unfolding right NOW! The New Age Religion is leading into the One World Religion of Islam that will coincide with a World Government and a World Currency.
We are about to witness a real life Hunger Games so you might as well get ready. Enlightenment is not protecting anyone from anything except REALITY!
Please educate yourselves, so your children do not fall for this deception. Soon, they will be in more danger at schools teaching this garbage than alone in NYC. They aim to have 2/3 of the population with minds and bodies suitable for demonic oppression by altering our DNA through things like yoga, meditation, channeling, vaccines, 5G and binaural beats. The choice is yours to realize this is a deception disguised as LOVE, unity and peace, but the reality is the eradication of Christians, who will be seen as the dividers. See how that plays out? Love ends up being a reason to hate Christians because they will not submit to this ideology, yet all the New Agers do is preach tolerance... tolerance for those in their deception.
All roads lead to Rome EXCEPT Christianity, which is why they can't have it. Rome represents the one world religion that leads to LUCIFER! They speak of a God and a Christ that directly oppose the Monotheistic God of the Bible and the Savior, but pretend they worship the same God. The package they offer is sweet... power, money, success, fame and self love if you only forsake Jesus Christ as the way to God and use enlightenment as the way... man can be like God according to this religion. Sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? Make no mistake, it's the SAME LIE!
They participate and encourage nothing but Occult theology and practices, sexual indulgence regardless of gender, live however you wish as long as you use the word LOVE, it's all good. All of this is designed to brainwash your mind against Jesus, yet they use his name in their deception. The goal is a Consciousness shift they are convinced will give them eternal life lol. They are convinced aliens and angels are contacting them, when thousands of testimonies confirm it was always demonic. If you hear cosmic christ, consciousness, energy, vibration, frequency, 5D and it's not coming from a physicist, you can prepare for a cosmic amount of BS regarding the return of Jesus. Do not be deceived... Christ Consciousness is an ANTICHRIST religion rooted in Luciferian and Satanic beliefs. The God of the New Age is Lucifer. Satanism is not about worshipping the devil, it's about worshipping YOURSELF!
If you don't know Jesus Christ as the only son of God and your lord and saviour regardless of your sin, you're a primary target for this lie. It creeps in with self help, self mastery, self centered confidence, designed to get your eyes OFF of Jesus and focused only on your needs, wants and desires. Mindfulness, Law of Attraction, New Thought, Binaural Beats, Eastern Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, Channeling Demons posing as Aliens, Angels and Spirit Guides, Psychics, and Psychedelics are used to control you in this deception. It becomes an obsession once the brain chemistry is altered and they are convinced that's progress. The end goal has nothing to do with your peace, best interest, healing or love... it needs more mind controlled zombies to carry out this shift.
Please stay awake, stay alert and be vigilant! Avoid these lies and the people promoting them.
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